Use of DNA Analysis

DNA analysis has provided significant breakthrough in many fields. The process is a benefit to the criminal justice system, particularly in forensic investigation of the police force such as in the crimes of rape and killing as well as the handling of paternity cases of family courts. The success of the DNA procedure is attributed to its uses and how it is performed, which is to evaluate ones biological model. DNA analysis, as a method where the DNA taken from a biological sample of a person is evaluated, is aimed at getting a blueprint for every individual that is usually called as a DNA profile. Hence, the use of DNA analysis boils down at determining the unique profile of a personan important factor from which an incident or case is eventually resolved (DNA Analysis Laboratory, 2007).

    There are other applications of DNA analysis. Used and performed in several countries, the DNA analysis confirms the possible owner of a piece of tissue such as blood, bits of flesh, bone, teeth, semen or any other part of the body (DNA Analysis Laboratory, 2007, p. 6). Aside from uncertain parentage arguments, the DNA Analysis Laboratory (2007) states that the use of DNA analysis also extends to the following

In criminal investigations in identification of mass disaster victims in verifying the identity of human cancer cell lines in determining whether a biological material is of human origin, and in studying the genetic ancestry of human populations. (p. 6)

If applied in the job of a detective, DNA analysis becomes a valuable tool. In fact, the process helps in bringing out the best from a detective in performing an important law enforcement task of investigating a specific case. One of the relevant qualifications of an ideal detective is his ability to handle or solve a case especially if provided with a DNA analysis result. Thus, a detective needs to be excellent in applying DNA analysis into a case despite not being a medical practitioner.


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