Microscopy Is it Human or Animal

The field of forensic science can be an exciting and challenging realm of investigation. Every fiber of existence can be meticulously broken down into the most minute molecules and still be identifiable.  Human and animal hairs are no different in the forensic science community.  Hairs are often found within crime scenes and require determination as to whether they are of human or animal origin.  The following is a list of results determined after carefully calculating the images of fifteen specimens given for analysis.
Specimen 1 is of an animal origin most likely belonging to a deer.  This result was determined due to the lattice shape of the hair vortex.  Specimen 2 is also of an animal origin.  It belongs to a bat because of the crown scale patterns (Deedrick  Koch, 2004). Specimen 3 was concluded to belong to that of a Caucasian human due to the pigment facing towards the cuticle. Specimen 4 is also a human hair with regard to pigment distribution.  Specimen 5 is a human hair that shows the different pattern of appearance with regard to coloring.  Specimen 6 is a human hair that has been artificially colored.  Specimen 7 was elected to be a human hair based on the scale patterns. Specimen 8 was viewed for the petal scales and proved to be an animal hair belonging to a mink. Specimen 9 is a human hair with different shades and hues, while specimen 10 is an animal hair with different shading and hues (2004).  Specimen 11 is the cross section of several human hairs.  Specimen 12 is an animal hair identifiable to a cow, and Specimen 13 is an animal hair specific to a dog.  Both of these specimens illustrate a difference in appearance with regard to coloring.  Specimen 14 is an animal rabbit hair confirming a multiserial ladder contusion.  Finally, Specimen 15 is a human hair exhibiting various scale patterns.  Developing a true understanding for trace evidence in the field of forensic science is crucial since every piece of evidence starts out as a mystery.


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