The practice of law in England and Wales are divided into two, the barrister and the solicitor. The barrister is responsible for addressing the courts in cases. The expertise is the argument of advocacy and advising on the important aspects of the law.

Most barristers work either for the Government Legal Service, Crown Prosecution Service, local government, armed forces, or different commercial organizations (Author, 2010).

There are fives steps to becoming a barrister, deciding, academics, vocation, pupilage, and practice (Author, 2010).

The first step is deciding. The work is highly challenging. Someone who chooses to be a barrister should possess intellect, also excellent interpersonal and communication skills. One must also be quick witted, with a good understanding for the law. Finally, this is more than a career it is a way of life (Author, 2010) a barrister must have initiative to be successful.

The next two things that should be considered are academics and vocational skills. Academics deal with the theoretical while vocation is more on practical application. Someone who is preparing to be a barrister should do well in both.

During academic training, the person develops a strong foundation to legal knowledge. On the other hand vocational training puts learning to the test. A person applies knowledge in controlled situations like mock trials, and or debates.

When a future barrister accomplishes both then that person moves to pupilage. This is usually a one-year program when a practicing barrister guides the student into the profession first-hand. The step is usually all about research, reading cases, and familiarization with court behavior and customs. The student barrister may be given a case to handle but more often follows the mentor around. This time a student chooses the branch of law to practice.

After achievement of the first four steps, one is ready to practice. However, learning does not end here. It is a continuous education.

This process is ideal to identify who is dedicated to the profession. Being a barrister is hard. To complete the process is an achievement on its own. It certifies only the best is chosen for the position. However the tediousness of the process is financially crippling. Many are dissuaded because of this. Barristers are not paid much recovering training cost takes a lifetime.

The practice of a barrister is one of the toughest in law, but to the dedicated, it is one of the most rewarding.


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