An Evaluation of the Video Children Without Childhood

Question 1 What are the major causes of child prostitution in the Philippines based on the video

One of the five parts of the documentary video is focused on the problem of child prostitution in the Philippines. Aptly titled as Philippines Angels of the Night, the documentary follows the lives of three children, ages between 11 to 13, who are forced into the practice of prostitution at very young ages. There are several reasons behind these child molestations. The movie highlights how poverty, the demand for cheap labor, and the thirst for a good life became the contributing factors that led to many children becoming victims of prostitution in the Philippines. The video emphasized how these three young children were forced to sell their bodies for their own and their familys survival. As a result, they were not able to a better life anymore and after five years one became a flesh-peddler herself, the second one a drug addict, and the last one was presumed dead for she was not seen again.

Question 2 The video discussed several prevention strategies. Do you believe that these prevention strategies are effective Why or why not

The video effectively documented how child abuses result to  grave future for many youth. Children end up growing up too soon and being robbed of the chance to experience of a free and happy childhood. The documentary also tried to explore possible solutions or prevented strategies in order to change the kind of life that children could have. Some of these preventive strategies include protecting the rights of the children and emphasizing on projects that could prioritize giving young children a chance to good life. These strategies could be effective if they are given the amount of priority they deserve.

Question 3 Has this video changedreinforced your opinions about sexual abuse, particularly involving children, in the U.S. and around the world Explain.

The biggest impact of this documentary video is that it opens the eyes of viewers to the realities of life and heightens the awareness of people on the truth behind child sexual abuses. Cases of sexual abuse are apparent and occurring in all parts of the world. But this video widened my understanding behind prostitution and sexual abuses. The truth is, there are children who experience molestation in exchange for money for survival. The video reinforced my thoughts about sexual abuses because not only are they inescapable, they are also difficult to heal already.

Question 4 What are the responsibilities of Western developed countries (and citizens in these countries) in this regards What are the steps can governmentscitizens take to reduceprevent this problem of sexual abuse.

In todays time, one of the most prominent advocacy is to create a peaceful world wherein all countries can be united to help each other out. The five countries that served as the main focus of the film are Mexico, Japan, India, Uganda, and the Philippines. Majority of these countries are in direct relation with some of the most powerful Western countries, primarily the Philippines and America. Being developed and established nations already,  western countries also have the responsibility to evaluate the deteriorating situation in poorer or more unstable nations and help them address these problems. Governments from all around the world can implement programs that would demand cooperation from all and  help each other out in order to reduce the cases of child abuses. Western countries should help raise awareness against these practices not only because they are capable of helping out to reduce this practice but also because it is part of their responsibilities to the rest of the world.


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