Method to Reduce Backlog of Cases

The courts in this scenario should consider working as a unit in the administration of justice. Working as a unit will aid for instance in attending cases in an expedient manner as common cases can be refereed to a single court andor the personnel of one court can help another in the exercise. As the new court administrator, one goal should be to ensure a coordinated approach among all offices in the count and all courts to ensure an enabling working environment is in place.

Communication is of paramount importance in the execution of any activity (Grimes, 2005). To that end, the new court administrator must ensure a smooth flow of information among all workers and departments within the system. Efforts will be geared towards addressing the communication breakdown as it is only through a concerted approach that the issues affecting the court can be resolved.

Another way of reducing backlog of cases is by reviewing the existing cases and taking appropriate action (United States General Accounting Office, 2004). This should help identify abandoned cases and those that appear illegitimate. To this end, courts can issue form letters to parties involved in cases seen as abandoned and be warned that unless a party responds, the case in question stands to be dismissed.
Through the introduction of procedural provisions and personalized programs designed to assist parties to a case, the backlog can easily be dealt with (United States General Accounting Office, 2004). This would help in the solving of common cases without necessary coming to the courts. The classification of cases on the basis of commonality of characteristics would in dispensing justice in a large number of cases at once as single decisions can be arrived at.


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