Handling Juveniles

Factors That Influence the Ways Police Handle Juvenile Suspects
    There are several factors which influence the manner of handling juveniles by the policemen (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). Some of these are the following First of all, I believe that policemen allow that parents of the offenders will participate in whatever investigation their sons or daughters will be brought upon (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). I think this is because of the fact that these offenders are still minors and may not be mature enough to decide on their own or defend themselves when it comes to such deep situation (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). Second, I think that policemen administer the treatment model in handling juveniles (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). They would not be too harsh or to cause trauma because their main objective is for the offender to still change for the better (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). The juveniles will not be treated in a scaring manner because they needed to be rehabilitated (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). Third, policemen enforce what is stipulated in the law and upholds order thus he or she will turn over the juvenile to the proper courts for a just trial (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). Other factors, I believe are the following

Race  Unfortunately, there are policemen who discriminate people of color (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53).
Age  In my opinion, maybe if the young offender is way too young and the offense committed is not that severe, then the police may just bring the offender to his or her parents and let the parents solve the issue (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53).

Attitude  I think that if the offender is too stubborn then the police will not just bring him or her to his or her parents, instead the policeman will bring him over to the police station for questioning (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53).

Circumstance  Situation  I think that if the offense is grave enough then the police will not let him or her go without proper questioning (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53).

Juvenile Versus Adult Arrest
    Both are read their rights when arrested (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). Both may also be brought to pre-trial facilities (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). However, there are young offenders who may be arrested for violations which may not be considered a crime if they were not minors (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). For instance, a young individual may not be charged as an adult even if he or she committed a severe crime (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). Another difference is the fact that juveniles trials are informal they are not made public unlike that of adults trials (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). In addition to the aforementioned, unless the young offender turns 18 or 21 (depending on the legal majority age of the State), his or her records are only temporary and it would not be declared as criminal it is only when he or she turns into an adult that his or her records will be made permanent (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53). Last but not least, young deviants may not be brought into prison or jail only those in the legal majority age can they be sent in the aforementioned (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53).

Four Models
    Meanwhile, the following are the teen court models 1) adult judge model 2) youth judge model 3) youth tribunal model and 4) peer jury model (National Center for State Courts, 2002, pp. 1- 5). Almost half of the population utilizes the first model aforementioned this is because the youth serves as attorneys, jurors, clerks, bailiffs, etcetera which appears to be more just for the offender (Drylie, 2010, pp. 1  53).
    On the other hand, some of the dispositions used in teen court cases are fines, community service, payment of restitution, etcetera (National Center for State Courts, 2002, pp. 1- 5).

Advantages of Teen Courts
    Despite of the deviant behavior exhibited, there are advantages which may emerge from it especially if teen courts are to be utilized (National Center for State Courts, 2002, pp. 1- 5). First of all, I believe that the government saves a lot of money because their resources are not used in this case (National Center for State Courts, 2002, pp. 1- 5). The young offender will also learn his or her lesson after being given another chance and only given a light punishment (National Center for State Courts, 2002, pp. 1- 5). Finally, the youth who participated in the teen court may also find out if he or she wants the same career for himself or herself (National Center for State Courts, 2002, pp. 1- 5).


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