An effective campaign against terrorism should deny undesirable elements access into the country without jeopardizing existing human rights regulations. This calls for collaboration between the various intelligence services and the police to share information about suspected terrorists (E.K.U., 2005). This will ensure that police at border controls prevent the infiltration of terrorists by crosschecking the persons details with a centralized database containing information about terrorist organizations and their members. Such a system should employ the most recent technology involving fingerprint and optical identification which will increase the accuracy in identifying known criminals.

Some border posts are ill equipped to deal with real-time communication of data between inter-agencies (E.K.U., 2005). Their communication links are outdated and incapable of transmitting data at high speeds. Verification of bio-data would take a long time and slow the immigration process which would inconvenience a lot of people. Visa processing in some overseas countries is lax and background checks on visa applicants are not as thorough as it should be. This laxity is responsible for a number of suspected terrorists gaining entry into the USA.

By tightening immigration rules and establishing efficient communication channels for verification of bio data, border posts and overseas missions will respond in real time to red alerts on the status of an immigrants application (Fuller, 2005). This will prevent them from issuing a visa to fly or cross into the country. As a first line measure of attack in the war against terror, this initiative will significantly reduce the entry of undesirables. To succeed, it will require a large investment in IT and an increase in the human resource budget to ensure that all borders posts are fully staffed.

Border control posts should be equipped with the latest machinery to help in identification of persons and baggage inspection. Modern communication systems that can transmit data at high speeds will ensure that an applicants status is confirmed before access is allowed or denied.  Training programs geared towards improving officers skills in identifying people need to be conducted to ensure accurate results (E.K.U., 2005). These programs should include interrogation techniques to get information which would reveal a persons true identity even when they are in disguise. 

Refresher courses should be held at regular intervals to update the officers on new skills and measures. Tips to other countries should be arranged so that officers can witness first hand the way other law enforcement agencies deal with the terrorism threat. Renewal of visas will enable officers to net those already in the country. By reevaluating each renewal application to establish the veracity of the persons identity, immigration officers can arrest those suspected of terrorist activities. Police manning these posts should be well remunerated to discourage them from engaging in corrupt practices. Routine rotation of officers will prevent the establishment of cartels dealing in illegal immigration.

The high cost of implementing such a program will be offset by the enhanced security levels that shall be achieved in the long run. Early detection and arrest or repatriation of undesirables will keep America safe from terrorist activities. 

In conclusion, border control and immigration police should be vigilant in carrying out their duties. By providing them with the latest techniques and equipment for identifying suspected terrorists, the entry into the country of terrorist agents will be severely curtailed. These measures will make the country safer from acts of terrorism.


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