Does it Cost the State More Time to Try All Drug Offenses in Special Courts (Drug Courts) than to try some of These Cases in Criminal Courts

In this country, there is the need for criminal justice systems to be capable of providing the required level of change as far as the offenders are concerned so that the emphasis is moved away from just seeking to deal with the problem of crime by treating symptoms to dealing with its root causes. However, there is also the need to make any such system as sustainable as possible because it would be an absolute waste of resources for a lot to be invested in criminal justice systems that are incapable of bringing about these desired results. Based on this, this proposal seeks to investigate the relative costs of having drug offenders tried in a drug court as opposed to a criminal one. There will be the use of past records of expenditure incurred in a drug court which will be compared with the records of expenditure in criminal courts.

The criminal justice system of this country is one that has not really managed to incorporate all the reforms that other countries. This is all because it has bee very difficult to establish which criminal justice systems are more appropriate than others based on their relative success rating. Yet it is never an easy thing to have the best system established without having a thorough examination of the main ones being used in the country (Huddleston et al., 2008). While many systems exist and are actually successful, they have been at one time or another challenged for one reason or another. Normally, the public, which funds all government projects and budgets, is very critical of the way the government chooses to spend its funds. This has served as a way of putting into check the spending priorities of the government. In criminal justice, there have forever existed the ordinary criminal courts which have emphasized more on punishing the offenders to have them regret their actions and so change.

More recently, however, there have emerged special courts which have a totally different approach to criminal justice. While a number of them exist, drug courts have become increasingly popular. They are so much different from criminal courts not in aim but in approach to criminal justice because unlike the criminal courts where punishment of the offenders and a general adversarial approach to the case is applied to carry out the process of justice, the drug courts are more focused on the need to have the drug offenders restored to normal life based on the understanding that unless drug addicts are weaned of their condition they are not able to act soundly. If this was to be allowed to go on, then there would be no end to drug crimes because these offenders would keep committing recidivism (Huddleston et al., 2008). However, treating them in drug courts as they are under trial will help them to kick the habit and have a sound state of mind which will greatly help them to keep off crime in future days. But the problem has been to determine which of the two types of systems is better than the other.

Literature Review
Literature reviews are important for any research because they assist the researchers in placing the research topic in a clear and well-defined context from which it is a lot easier for them to draw research questions and so help in making the research as specific as it can possibly get. Specificity is one of the main gauges of a good research because it, among other reasons, makes the research findings more authentic and so more reliable. Lack of specificity renders the entire research vague and at the risk of failing to have the power to convince users to adopt it as being reliable.

The Origin of and Need for Drug courts
Drug courts were first introduced in the US as a response to the rapid rise in drug addiction among drug offenders. This rise was significantly large between 1984 and 1990 when it is estimated that it rose from11,854 to 29,306. This number soon rose to the current over 2000 drug courts in the country. The United Kingdom has also been increasingly following in this path and it is expected that it will have many more drug courts in the future as their demand soars. The only possible impediment to the expansion is the unproved claims that it is a very costly system. Drug court programs serve as the best bet for drug abuse prevention by improving the lives of those processed through the correctional of the use of drug courts, as they provide programs that have therapeutic integrity (Lessenger  Roper, 2007). This does not only improve the offenders life, but also protects the community as well as ensures the safety of the entire public.

However, rehabilitation as an effective tool of reducing crimes related to drugs remains a critical concern (Maguire  Okada, 2010) because there are issues over the government having to assist offenders to get treatment while other people cannot even get the same. The utilitarian goal of the drug court will have to be abandoned if treatment of offenders does not work with the drug courts. Whiteacre, (2008) points out that in reviewing the existing process of outcome evaluations of the drug courts an assessment of the success of drug courts within the conceptual framework needs to be carried out by the use of a conceptual framework. This would help in addressing various questions, which include seeking to know the various treatment methods that are employed by the drug courts, the indicators that point to the way in which drug courts are trying to carry out their programs in a successful manner, the measures that the drug courts take to determine their level of success, and how the courts seek to enhance their success levels in the future. These questions bring forward a set of hypothesis that will help us to identify whether the intervention of drug courts to the drug offenders is effective.

Maguire  Okada (2010) writing in Critical Issues in Crime and Justice Thought, Policy, and Practice are of the view that impact evaluation of a single drug court should be carried out in order to assess whether the treatment modifies the character and the personality of the offender. The study should include measurement of the kinds of success that have been achieved by the effectiveness of the drug court programs, since the purpose of a drug court is to divert drug offenders from facing criminal justice by providing them with an opportunity for treatment resources (Lessenger  Roper, 2007). According to Lessenger  Roper (2007), a good evaluation program should strive to ensure that the drug court specialists have the required skills pertaining to training the offenders such as the background area of the offenders and trying to find out the root course that makes the offenders to indulge in criminal activities, among other. This will make them produce positive results for the criminals even after they leave the drug court, and thus helping the offenders in the end rather than suffering.

In an attempt to reduce crime, it would be rational if the assessor assesses not only the short-term benefits of the drug courts but also the long term benefits (Maguire  Okada, 2010). Careful consideration of financial benefits should be put into place as the drug courts continue to gather other sources of income. Therefore, the drug courts should not only evaluate the benefits they provide in financial terms but also look for an additional source of income for effective running of the system. A careful consideration of the current costs of the drug court program to the participating members of the criminal justice system should be put into consideration. These include the working team of the drug court the prosecutors, public defenders office, police, jail, and probation and treatment providers. They should also evaluate how the court resources are distributed in the drug courts by carefully identifying the cost savings associated with drug courts even when findings are unavailable at the federal government (Lessenger  Roper, 2007).In addition, the assessor should evaluate the relationship that exists between the drug court program and the rest of the courts departments.

Butts  Roman (2004) point out that a number of issues should be used in evaluating whether the drug courts help in assisting the drug abuser in learning of new adaptive cognitive skills.  In evaluating the types of treatment methods that should be used by the drug courts in order to achieve effectiveness, one should put much emphasis on the method that appears to develop cognitive skills to the offenders. They also state that the appropriate method to be used for all offenders should assess the pattern of the drug use, and the way they influence how the program runs. This program to be put in place should define the length of time required for successful rehabilitation to be achieved. For a successful assessment of the drug court, the evaluator also needs to review the evaluation on two aspects, that is, heshe is supposed to review the effectiveness of the program during the training time as well as after the training. Heshe should then collect the data related to the study such as the treatment retention study, recidivism study, drug use study cost effective, and other rehabilitation outcome studies. This data can then be used to make the final conclusions on the overall cost of running such a drug court program.

But back to the more specific issue of cost in terms of the length of time it takes for the trials to be completed, Granfield (1998), writing in the article An examination of the Denver Drug Court The impact of a treatment-oriented, drug-offender system argues that it does not matter that it is a pretty long process if indeed it can be able to bring about the desired level of results. What matters is the need to have the drug offenders getting rehabilitated, and in the right way so that once they are off the program they can be in a better position to embark on other normal life activities and get completely weaned of their criminal life. Every individual who has been on drugs desires to leave that kind of lifestyle but somehow the addiction is too strong to break from.

According to Huddleston et al. (2008), what drug courts seek to achieve is to have these peoples lives turned around. And given that it is usually a very demanding process, it is mandatory that a lot of investment in terms of time is done until this person can be completely delivered from ones addictions.  In essence, although it might take the state a long of time to have this totally finished, it is in the end very useful compared to the criminal courts. In yet another commentary, it has been argued that it is all wrong for any comparison of the two courts to be done on the basis of time taken only but rather a lot more focus has to be put on the overall outcome or efficiency of the courts (Butts  Roman, 2004). This is because of the great differences in the aims and so approaches that each court follows. On the one side, the drug courts seeks to have the drug offender punished but even more importantly helped to turn around ones life.

Research Questions
As earlier mentioned, research questions as derived from the literature being reviewed are very critical for the establishment of the various key aspects needed for the research (Marczyk, 2005). On the basis this literature review, the following research questions can be used to guide the research
Does it take the government a longer period of time to try drug offenders in drug courts than in criminal courts

Is the governments continued use of drug courts for the trial of drug offenders a sustainable approach to criminal justice or is it an unnecessary burden

How can the use of drug courts be made more sustainable so that its work cannot be brought into disrepute

How does the level of recidivism among drug offenders tried in the drug courts and those tried in criminal courts compare

Hypothesis 1 Drug offenders ought to be rehabilitated in the drug courts because criminal courts do not offer such ones the opportunity to change their lives and become good citizens again.

 Hypothesis 2 The drug courts, which attempt seek to have a reduction in the level of recidivism through behavior change, end up saving a lot of money for the government compared with criminal courts which, although might be speedy in the criminal justice process and so appear cheaper in the short-term, incur huge expenses having to keep trying the same people over and over again.

Hypothesis 3 Drug courts greatly assist the drug abusers to learn new adaptive cognitive skills which have been proven to be critical in changing their criminal lifestyles and behavior.
Hypothesis 5 Drug courts do not cost the government more than the criminal courts be it in terms of time or monetary input.

The Evaluation Site andor the Subjects of Study
To be in a better position to gather the required information, researchers will visit various courts in the state of Colorado where they will gather information on a number of issues to ascertain some of the key issues presented in the research questions. In Colorado, the Denver Drug Court, which has been included in the literature review, will be investigated to find out how it goes about its operations as far as carrying out treatment and justice for drug offenders is concerned. The drug courts in the United States are preferred over those in the United Kingdom because the US system has been in place for a longer time and is well established.

On the same note, although the United Kingdom has some of the oldest criminal courts in the world, the researchers will concentrate on US criminal courts because there is no need to bring in another variable (country). In this light, therefore, there will be a survey of three drug courts in Colorado (including the Denver Drug Court) and three criminal courts in the same state. These will be picked randomly to avoid the risk of data duplication. The aim will be to assess how they have been spending on their various activities.

Research Design
The specific research design will entail seeking to measure the overall costs of carrying out trials in each of the courts. Then for the three courts on every side, an average cost will be calculated which includes the time investment as well as the costs of manpower, facilities, logistics, recurrent expenditure, among other key variables. For this particular evaluation, there will be both dependent and non-dependent variables (Marczyk, 2005). The dependent variables include attitude towards the drug court program, and knowledge of the information of drug use given by the providers to the offenders. The independent variables include the age, gender and the nationality of drug offenders. There will also be quantitative and qualitative analysis because the data is both qualitative and quantitative.

The court accounting officers in either case will be required to give the data about the various expenditures that are incurred by the court. Although it is highly likely that there is no clear record of these, efforts will be done to get them. The main aim is to find out the total expenditure that is input in the courts and this will be extrapolated to cover a period of 10 years because this is the time when it is expected that at least the figures are consistent and the offenders have had time to heal. Within this time frame, it is also possible to assess the long-term benefits of the drug offenders and try to quantify them so that they can be subtracted from the expenditures. In addition to this, there will a determination of the average time it takes for a drug court to finish up with one offender, quantify this time using a standard of one court hour being equal to 100 dollars. Then the expenditure for every of the personnel and other costs will added to this to ascertain the total sum of costs incurred by the court for every year up to ten years.

For every year, the total costs will be added to the total revenue (or benefits) and a net value of costs will be reached. An average for the three courts will be found and taken as the cost of running the courts for the ten-year period. The same will be done for the criminal courts, and the two will be compared. In essence, secondary data sources, mainly audit books and statements of account, will be used. In addition, there will be interviews of some offenders who have been or are still on the drug court treatment program to find out what they have benefitted or lost as measured by how they will be leading their lives at the time of the interview. The challenges will be many, especially quantifying variables like time and benefits. This is because what one person might regard as a benefit might be considered a loss by another. Therefore, there will have to be many assumptions made to ensure similar standards are applied throughout (Marczyk, 2005).

Population and Sample
The population sample will include all drug offenders, both children and adults of either gender. This means even juvenile criminal courts will be included. This is because drug offences among juveniles have been on the rise in the recent times.

Data Analysis
The data will be analyzed using the comparative approach. First, the totals for every type of court will be found and the difference between the two established by a simple calculation. The difference will then be expressed as a percentage, and will be used to show the relative cost of operating each type of court. Analytic induction will also be used. The data will be measured based on the hypotheses, and in the event there is no agreement, a change of the hypotheses will be carried out appropriately.

Ethical Issues
It will be difficult to convince some drug offenders to take part in the direct interviews as it will be difficult to have them answering some of the questions. There is also the problem of getting access to financial records of court personnel as this might be viewed as an attempt to convey to the public the deep secrets in the systems such as the salaries and wages of the personnel. To overcome these ethical challenges, the researchers will promise to treat all information they receive with confidence, including keeping identities of participants secret.

Project organisation, management, schedule and budget
The research is expected to last five months as many records will have to be perused and many calculations done. Data analysis and collection alone might take two months each. The research is projected to commence on 21st July 2010 after a three-week preliminary planning period. It is projected that the key expenditures will be on personnel allowances, travel and accommodation, data collection and analysis equipment and facilities, and rental fees.

The research is expected to be faced with challenges like failure to find accurate records as it is difficult for some people to disclose their earnings. There is also the threat that due to the huge mix of qualitative and quantitative data, it might be difficult to reach a clear conclusion. On this basis, further research is proposed in the area of efficiency of the drug courts.


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