Forensic Science

Forensic science is a field designed to use the advances in medical science and testing and apply the results directly to a legal or criminal issue.  There are many fields contained within forensic science like forensic dentistry, forensic pathology, forensic toxicology, and forensic psychology.  In lieu of all the intricate parts making up the forensic science field, the most influenced field has been that involving local law enforcement.
The ways in which crime scenes are processed and investigated have changed greatly since the emergence of forensic science.  Special officers are dispatched for such investigations.  The processing of a crime scene for forensic evaluation involves five steps.  First, the crime scene is secured in order to maintain and preserve all evidence.  Secondly, the investigators do an initial walk through and make mental notes of evidence and possibilities.  Next, the crime scene is documented by photographs, video, and a second walk through.  The next step is to collect the evidence.  Investigators wear gloves so that the crime scene is not tainted.  Evidence is tagged, logged, put into the proper chain of custody, and sent to the crime lab.  Finally, the lab processes and analyzes all evidence submitted for documentation and referencing.
The most important advance in the field of forensic science has to be attributed to the use of DNA evidence.  The collection and use of DNA evidence in an investigation has enabled investigators to close cases, provide closure to the victims, and ease the worries of the community.  The use of DNA evidence has also afforded other areas of the legal field in finding remedies to overdue problems.  Thanks to the advances in forensic science, the use of DNA has allowed paternity to be established for individuals, closed cold case files, brought closure to victims of violent crimes, and created a safer environment for the community.


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