Explain what happened and how you were involved in the offence.
I came home one day from work to find my wife on the floor bleeding profusely. There was a knife full of blood next to her. I immediately called 911 them took the knife. That was when police walked in and found me holding the knife. They accused me of attempting to murder her.
Before the incident, was everything okay between you and your wife
No, we had had an argument that morning because I suspected she was having an affair.
This information will assist the court with a clearer picture of what happened before, during and after the offence and the circumstances that might have led to the offence.
Did you ever have any juvenile adjudication No
If yes, when any over what
Have you ever been arrested as an adult Yes
If yes, when and why On February 24th 2010 over allegations of murdering my wife.
Have you ever been convicted as an adult No
If yes, when
Previous criminal record will be useful in determining your sentence. Repeat offenders usually get more harsh sentences. Stiffer penalties are by law given to those likely to repeat a crime. Your criminal record will assist in determining whether you are likely to repeat the crime and whether you are a danger to the society at large. According to The role of criminal record in the federal sentencing guidelines (para.1), the publics attitude towards a sentence is largely influenced by number and frequency of previous criminal records.
Name John Jones
Social security number 65778
Date of birth 5th June 1968
Age 47
Sex male
Height 5ft
Weight 80kg
Religion Muslim
Scars -
Phone number 987 8756
Home address 786 Hill view
Have you ever been homeless If yes, explain Yes when my parents separated in 1976 and I could not stand living with my step mother. I never knew where my mother lived so I moved to the streets
Provide a list of your close family members
Name Mary Cate Jones
Relationship Wife
Occupation Waitress
Name Peter Jones
Relationship father
Occupation plumber
Name Lily Jones
Relationship Step sister
Occupation Teacher
Does either of your parents have a criminal record Yes (x) No ( )
Has any of your family members ever been arrested Yes (x) No ( )
Did your parents live together Yes ( ) No (x)
Describe your childhood and your relationship with your family members
No one in my family really cared about anyones business. Its almost like they never existed.
As a child, were you sexually or physically abused If yes, explain Yes. My step mother sexually assaulted me severally.
Are you satisfied with the level of your family support currently No
Have you ever been married Yes
How many times Once
Are you currently married Yes
What is your spouses occupation Waitress
Do you have any children Yes (x) No ( )
If yes, how many one son
How old are they 12years
Information with regards to your family background will be important to the judge in determining the reasons behind you attempting to kill your wife. The motive of an action determines whether an act was accidental or not (Adler 2001). If it is viewed to be accidental, the punishment is slightly lenient, the information you give will be used to determine whether you have any dependants who will be affected negatively by your incarceration .In case such where dependants exist, the court might give you a sentence that you can serve from home. Alternatively, you might be given some time before incarceration so that your dependants can get some time to adjust to your absence.
What is your highest level of education High school
At what age did you graduate 16years
Were you ever suspended from school Yes (x) No ( )
If yes, explain I slapped a class mate for not moving out of my way in the corridor
What other education training have you received None
Were you employed at the time of your arrest Yes (x) No ( )
Are you currently employed Yes
If yes, for how long Six months
Current employer eagle ltd
Address 9876 Jepol
Job title Plumber
What is your current salary 500 per month
What are your total assets Two cars, one house, cash
Total amount 100,000
What are your total liabilities Mortgage repayment, tuition fees, loan repayment
Total amount 60,000
Your education background, work experience and financial condition will help the judge to determine whether you are in a position to raise bail. It will also be used to determine whether your beneficiaries will suffer in case you are sent to prison.
Have you been in any military service No
If yes, where and when
How do you rate your physical health perfect ( ) Good(x) Fair ( ) Poor ( )
What physical problems do you have Broken limb
Are you currently receiving any medical care None
If yes, which one
Doctors name phone number
What medication are you currently taking
Have you ever undergone mental counseling No
If yes, when and where
What have you been diagnosed with
Have you ever attempted suicide Yes
If yes, what was your plan To jump out of a moving. That is how I broke my limb
Do you feel you should be under a doctors care for any mental problem No
Your medical history will assist the judge to determine whether you require any kind of preferential treatment whether in or outside jail. It will also assist in determining whether there are any psychological issues that might have triggered you to act the way you did. Incase you have any health issues the court will contact your health practitioner in order to have detailed information regarding your health. It is not in any judges interests to put a persons health in danger.
Please bring the following documents to verify the information given above.
Drivers license
Social security card
Educational certificates
Proof of employment
Proof of residence
I recommend that the accused be given a jail term from where he can be rehabilitated since it is clear that he has an anger management problem from his childhood. His total assets are not sufficient to raise bail and therefore it should not be given.
The background of the individual indicates that his sense of right or wrong is very low since he has been surrounded by negativity since childhood (Adler, 2001).Growing up in a broken family, dropping out of school and having been sexually assaulted are all negative forces that might interfere with his capacity to differentiate between right and wrong.
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