Behind every crime committed, there is a theory that drives it. Crimes are intentional and they are not random. The opportunities that pave the way to the commission of the crime are also not random. Crime opportunities may come from unsuspicious occasions or events like daily routines, urban structures and social networks. Lack of control of elements provides opportunities for crimes. Each crime has its own complexity that is related to the offenders, the victims, and the environment of the crime.
First we have to understand what crime is. A crime may be an act that is followed by legal punishment. It is a legally forbidden action and the punishments also depend on the seriousness of the crime committed. The difficulty with trying to understand crime is that any attempt to do so demand knowledge on many different aspects and areas. However, the study of crime does not entirely depend on psychology, but it does contribute a lot.
Psychology is an important factor when dealing with criminology because the theories to be used are very crucial. For example, was the offender a rational being Did the crime occur due to influences from the environment or other external forces
In understanding how a crime was committed, we also have to dissect the reason behind it, as well as how to prevent it from happening again. There are different crime theories that help crime analysts understand and predict how offenders and their victims behave.
One is the Rational Choice Theory. In this theory, the offenders make their choices about committing crimes based on anticipated rewards or opportunities. In reality, any person will commit a crime if given the right opportunity. Individuals will also decide not to commit a crime if the risks are too high or if the rewards do not match up to their standards.
Second is the Routine Activities Theory which focuses on the opportunities for crime commission due to changes in behavior in a society. A study showed that changes in Americans routines provided an increase in crime rate during 1947 to 1974. For example, the increase in Americans who left their houses on a daily basis to go to work increased, and therefore, guardianship in their houses decreased and left opportunities for burglars. Likewise, change in routines and behavior can also decrease the rate of crime. Examples of this is increasing supervision of children and increasing security of homes and properties.
Last is the Repeat Victimization. This states that people and places who have been victimized before have a higher chance of being victims once again than the ones who havent been victimized yet. There are four types of repeat victimization namely peopleplaces that get highly victimized, properties that are repeatedly victimized like consumer items which are attractive to thieves, specific locations or areas that always suffer from crime, and types of places that get victimized though not in the same area.
If crime commission is a stage, there are actors.
In 2003, Ronald Clarke and John Eck designed the crime triangle.
Figure 1. The Crime Triangle by Ronald Clarke and John Eck (2003)
The crime triangle shows that a crime only happens when the offender and the victim come together at a particular place. The outer triangle (handlers, managers, and guardians) show the types of people who can control the three elements in the inner triangle.
Guardians are the ones who protect the victims, like victims themselves, government officials, security guards, and owners of properties.
Managers are the ones responsible for the different areas. Examples of managers are hotel clerks, store clerks and building managers.
Handlers are the people who know the offenders personally and they hold such positions that allow them to control the ones who committed the crime. Parents and police officers are examples of handlers.
For a crime to take place perfectly, the actors must play their parts well. There must be a person who is willing and able to commit a crime, a vulnerable target, and a venue which lacks security.
Still, a better situation is that which has no crime involved. Crime should be prevented, and one way to prevent crime is to understand the behaviors of the offenders. Since crimes are based on opportunities, it is best to reduce them. It is also important to understand how criminals think.
Some commit crimes because of personality disorders such as the Antisocial Personality Disorder. With this disorder, the chances of being a psychopath are high. Psychopaths are manipulative and they seem to lack social conscience. They engage in criminal activity often.
Aside from psychopathology, there have also been many hypotheses on what causes crime, and how behavior affects crime as well. Bandura claims that violent role models in the environment can affect the offenders subconscious since most of the human behavior is from observing others. There are other behavior types and theories connected to the criminal mind which will be discussed later.
In relation to this, understanding the behavior of the offenders is necessary to be able to prevent the crimes from happening again.
Crime prevention is a difficult task, often mistaken for crime control, though the two things are really different. A study was conducted on how new approaches in preventing crime and delinquency could be done. In Preventing Crime in America and Japan A Comparative Study by Robert Thornton and Katsuya Endo, it was emphasized how the crime rate in Japan is low compared to America and other countries.
There have been theories made as to why the crime rate in Japan is low, and these theories have something to do with behavior of the people. The population in Japan is extremely homogenous, which means that the people have a strong sense of community. There is a high level of citizen involvement in activities dedicated to preventing crime. In Japan, there is a hierarchy system in which the rank and status of a person is an important part of the society. Work ethics of the Japanese are strong, and the workers are all diligent and dedicated to their jobs. Japan also has an extremely low unemployment rate, which may be a vivid reason as to why there are little reports of robberies or theft. Japanese also have high respect for their laws and they cooperate with the police. The schooling and education system in Japan also contributes to crime prevention because they have what they call character education. At a young age, Japanese are brought up with discipline and a sense of social responsibility.
To successfully carry out crime prevention plans, we need to get in the mind of the offender and think like one too. We must be critical and also take into consideration what measures we must take in case of intervention of authorities.
Situation given
I am a student with many extra-curricular activities and affiliations. I live away from home, and I live with my grandparents. My parents send me money through my ATM every week to pay for my school stuff and also for my allowance. Recently, I have been under a lot of pressure regarding payments and fees. I barely have enough to feed myself when I am not in the house of my grandparents. The main problem is that I now have no cash on hand and I have to pay my fees within 24 hours, or else I get kicked out of my affiliations. The total cash I need is 1000.
Crime Script 1
Since I live with my grandparents, it may be easy for me to get a little money from them. I got this idea when I saw my grandfather get some cash out of his wallet and put it inside a drawer. Another time, when my grandmother was doing something for her business, I saw her take out a key and open another drawer from which she got out all the cash connected to their business. I got all this information just by observation.
It would be easy, I know their routines well enough. Every morning they eat breakfast at around 7 or 8 and no one is in their room. This is a piece of cake. All I need to do is finish my breakfast early and go up to their room, say that I need to go to the bathroom or catch some more sleep. I can easily get the key to my grandmothers drawer and get the cash I need, or get some from my grandfathers wallet. The consequence is when they realize that a big amount is missing. They will start suspecting everyone living in the house, and this means higher security.
This option is really very easy to execute, and there is almost a hundred percent chance that I wont be caught in the act. I can lock the door while getting the money, and if someone knocks, I can easily say I was dressing up. This is an opportunity at its best.
The order of events would be like this
STAGESSTEPSDecision MakingYes or NoPreparationWake up early to join grandparents for breakfastActingFinish eating early, act like you have to go to the bathroomEnteringCarefully enter the room and check if there are any people around. Lock door to ensure safety.Select TargetCarefully locate the wallet or the key to the drawer.Complete the TheftGet the money quickly and put everything back in order, exactly the way it was before you intervened.Exit the SceneStart preparing for school and leave the house.
Figure 2. Crime Scene 1.
Crime Script 2
I work at a local restaurant as a cashier and as a waitress sometimes. This means I have easy access to the cash registrar and the money. My shift is usually during the opening and the closing of the restaurant, during the times when business is slow. The restaurant is small, and the staff only works two at a time. There are no security cameras, since the location of the restaurant is in a friendly suburb. The manager of the store comes in three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during lunch time, when business is at its peak.
I can easily get money while Im doing my job as the cashier, but that would make me the primary suspect. The best way to get the money and not be considered as a suspect is if I will be seen as the victim, instead of the offender.
I can ask the help of two or three of my close friends to act as robbers and then instruct them on how to make it look as if I was victimized. The staff working with me must also be clearly victimized, and heshe should see that I am helpless in the situation so he will not suspect me.
The time of the staged robbery should take place during the times when business is low, either during the opening or the closing. The opening would provide better opportunities since during the night a lot of people are out on the streets and might report a robbery, if they happen to pass by the restaurant. That would put my friends at risk, and also me. The staged robbery should also take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays to ensure that the manager will not drop by.
This is a good opportunity, given the lax security and the routines of the people involved are all being followed every time.
StagesStepsDecision MakingYes or No Set the details time, date, who to ask help fromPreparationCoordinate schedule of opening of restaurant so the friends would go in at nice timing. Make sure that costumes will conceal their identities well.Entering the settingMeet with fellow staff to open the restaurant for the day. Start doing daily routines like cleaning, setting the tables, etc.Enabling conditionsAvoid being tensed, act normally. Do not fully open the blindsdoor yet so that the theft will not be seen by the public.Select targetHelp your partner with whatever heshe is doing so that when the thieves come in, your partner will see you being victimizedThe theft properOnce the thieves come in, act surprised and try to protect your partner. Avoid screaming or shouting so as not to attract many people.Completing the theftOnce they have gotten the money from the cash register and they leave, do not return to normal yet.Exit the SceneExplain why you shouldnt tell your managerthat he might fire you. Motivate your partner to work better today to make up for the lost money.AftermathAfter your morning shift, meet with your friends to get the money to pay for your needs.
Figure 3. Crime Script 3
Crime Script 3
This may be the riskiest one yet, but also faster than the second option.
I can rob the store myself when Im not working. This will be easy because I know the staff working there and I know where all the things are. The conflict would be about my alibi, so I should work on that before conducting the crime itself. My outfit must also be able to conceal who I am, and of course, the time and the date should be scheduled earlier. The downside with this script is that I will forever be a suspect, because I wasnt there when it happened. Also, if I am not careful, I can be seen and reported. I can be arrested on the spot, since the restaurant is in a semi-public area. That is why it is important to conduct the crime during the opening, because no one will be around yet except for the staff.
StagesStepsDecision MakingYes or No Time, date, outfit.PreparationDecide on the time when less people will be there. Maybe you can spy a little or keep an eye out on the customers.Entering SettingKnow how to deal with the staff present at the time you decide to execute the crime. It is best to keep them quiet. For example, powder that can make them unconscious temporarily.Complete the TheftGet what you need, leave peacefully. Do not leave any trace of who you are.Exit the SceneDo not head straight home. Head somewhere you can dress up, and leave the outfit behind.AftermathAct normally, act concerned, and even offer help.
Figure 4. Crime Script 3
If you noticed, all crime scripts started with the decision making. According to the classical theory of criminology, people decide to commit a crime when they believe that the benefits weigh more than the risks or costs. Without a decision to commit a crime, there would be no crime. This is a direct manifestation on the effect of behavior to the crime itself.
There is another theory, which is called the conflict view. This states that society has divided individuals into groups which are in conflict with each other. The conflicts arise because of unequal distribution of resources, and this in turn provides yet another opportunity for crime. As mentioned at the first part of the essay, in Japan, there is a distinct hierarchy in which they respect the status of the individuals, and instead of being an opportunity for crime, it is a crime prevention tool.
Robbery is perhaps one of the most common crimes in history. It can range from simple pick pocketing to million dollar thefts. Robberies must be planned well to succeed, and for crime analysts, they should learn how the mind of a robber thinks like. For analyzing crimes and preventing crimes, a lot of measures have to be taken into consideration.
In crime script 1, if the grandfather always takes his wallet with him, or if the grandmother always takes the key with her, the crime can never happen. In crime script 2, if there was more security in the restaurant, or if the manager opens the restaurant every day, the opportunity for a crime will lessen by a lot. Finally in crime 3, it is the most dangerous script out of the three. At anytime, an authority could go in and catch the offender at once in the act. Again, if the manager was the one who opened every day, the crime rate would definitely go down.
Through these facts, it is obvious that behavior greatly affects the crimes that take place. It is not entirely the offenders fault, but the victims themselves who create opportunities for the crimes. Routines, daily activities and observations are simple things which can easily create more opportunities.
In regards to crime prevention, Ronald Clarke has given some tips on how to do it. First, one must be prepared and must be very crime specific. Second, the crime triangle is important because it will help you identify the people involved. According to Clarke, we must never forget that opportunity makes the thief and that we should expect the offenders to react negatively. It is important to think thief or to think like the offender and it is also important to study the history of crimes. Pay attention to routines and hot spots, and think of the factors that make a person or a place be highly victimized.
Crime is not a simple thing and it is hard to analyze. However, if we are able to prevent it from happening, that is a success. In crime prevention, the behavior and personality of the people must be taken into consideration too. Again, I will use Japan as an example. Even without all the security needed in other countries, Japan still has a low crime rate because of the sense of social responsibility and obligations that are instilled in every citizen.
That is the key to the start of good crime prevention. It must not only depend on higher security and it must not only focus on lessening the opportunities for crime. Crime prevention must also be instilled in every persons heart and mind for it to be called a success.
It is true that psychological factors affect the crimes and offenders. Like, for example, bad parenting, poverty, abuse, etc. However, there are things that are just around us that create opportunities for crime, and this is what we should concentrate on.
Crime prevention starts with the people, and with cooperation and the decision to do good, it is safe to say that the crime rates will lower.
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