Interview with Mr Hughes of Apalachee correction facility

According to Mr Hughes of Apalachee correction facility there has been an increased interest by the public to see that the correction authorities have put into place safe resettlement for offenders for offenders in the society and greater promotion of human rights for inmates. Some of the changes that have taken place in correctional administration include the following

Mr Hughes affirms that the correctional system in America cannot survive as a closed system but rather need to anticipate change in order to respond to fluctuating resources and demands. The prison system has been changes into modern and complex tri-polar comprising of administrators, inmates and officers. There has been crucial awareness of organization development of current prisons to provide better confinement conditions for inmates, correctional officers so as to provide a good framework to meet the mission of modern correction facilities.

The creation of prisoners rights movement in America has helped in fighting for the rights of the inmates thus ensuring that there is no inmate whose rights is violated by correctional administrators. Similarly the prisoner rights movement has fought for the creation of new positions in prisons such as nurses, educators, inmate grievance officer, substance abuse officer, AIDS counsellors, affirmative action officers, lobbyists, U.S office of safety, law librarians among other post so as to collectively bargain for the rights of inmates.

Likewise there have been changes in international correctional environment where the countries enact policies that protect prisoners serving their sentence in foreign in foreign countries. However, there are problems associated with foreign inmates that arise from differences in religion, culture, foods, among others.

Effective leadership has also been new development in correctional administration. For many years prisons has lacked effective leaders with the ability to man and supervise all activities taking place in the prison. The leader is charged with the responsibility of looking at the welfare of inmates so that there is no cases harassment, intimidation, beating by the correctional officers.

According to Mr. Hughes, another change that has also taken place in correctional administration is introduction training programs for the inmates. While in prison, inmates are introduced on various courses ranging from religious studies, community based behaviours, plumbing courses, tailoring, building and construction among others. All these are aimed at engaging inmates so as to avoid idleness and also train them how they may continue with life after finishing their sentence.

Basing on the effect of imprisonment such as psychological trauma and stress that leads to committing of suicide, fear of high rates of HIV AIDS infections in correctional facilities the number of people admitted to prisons has steadily declined in America. The attorney for disability on the other hand pointed out that prisons quickly offer solitary confinement to criminals who are mentally ill if there are no treatment options however, such confinement results into severe psychological trauma. It is indicated that mentally disturbed prisoners have difficulties of complying with harsh prison rules most especially when there is inadequate assistance to enable them manage their disabilities thereby suffering from administrative segregation.

For effective performance of their tasks, correctional administrators argue that training of the administrators, hiring on basis of merit and experience is essential. The federal state as well as local correction department have often provided training to correctional personnel basing on the standards set by U.S correctional association and this has led to development of effective interpersonal communication skills and highly trained administrators who are competent enough on issues regarding to law, inmate behaviour, custody procedures, cultural awareness, inmate rights, first aid as well as physical fitness training. The effective operation of prison also demands for intelligent administrators with inspiring leadership. The availability of professional prison administrators makes it able to make the necessary reforms within the prison to facilitate effective delivery of services.

Mr. Hughes acknowledges that Apalechee has made steps to achieve all goals of the organizations. Since the correction facility operates under Florida Department of Correction, it has a similar mission. However, Mr Hughes acknowledges that tight control by the state on the programs that should be carried out in the institution has been a major hindrance to the effective running of the institution.  The mission of the organization is to protect public safety and ensure that there is safety of department personnel. It also aims at providing the most appropriate care and supervision to all offenders. In line with aims of correction, the organization aims at preparing the offenders for a proper re-entry into the society.  Mr. Hughes acknowledges that the organization has made important steps in fulfilling it mission and goals albeit a number of hindrances. Apart from tight control by Florida Department of Corrections which has limited its initiatives, the institution has also been faced with resource constraint. Most programs had to be suspended awaiting correction of more funds to complete them.  This has been a great challenge to the organisation.


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