Community partnerships

Community partnerships are agencies within a community that are geared towards addressing a specific need of a community, funding of community projects or providing mentorship. They usually enhance the wellbeing of a community by supplementing the governments role in providing certain services or providing services that may be lacking in a community. The success of a community partnership is influenced by a lot of variables, and involves contributory effort by many people and other factors as well. For example, a community partnership that works in one community may fail to work in another community.

The challenges that face community projects are enormous and each may be faced by its own unique challenges. Despite these problems however, they do work and some of these partnerships have made a lot of contribution to the community. One such example is a community partnership between police and the community in Boston. The partnership aimed to reduce youth violence in the city The project involved programs aimed at cubing gun violence like operation ceasefire and a number of intervention and protective measures like the youth services providers network among others. These operations together with several partnerships based on neighborhoods helped Boston to curb crime levels and totally eradicate homicides in two years.

Another success story of these partnerships is the bethel new life in south Chicago which offers several services like employment, training, day care and health services. The partnership owes its success to proper planning, economic viability, community participation and dedication of its founder, bethel. The partnership works through a number of joint ventures with other partnerships with shared objectives like the Goldblatt community plan where these shared objectives impel joint contributions. It is apparent that with proper planning, funding and community participation, these community partnerships can excel in their objectives and it is up the communities and institutions to identify areas in which they may partner to achieve their desired objectives.


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