Human trafficking in America

The trafficking of humans in America is an old practice that started a couple of centuries ago with the importation of slaves into the country. About two or three centuries ago, most of the trafficked humans were obtained from Africa and other places where the Europeans used to colonize. They could capture the strong men and women and later sell them to the Americans where they would be forced into hard labor. In virtually all instances, the main intention of trafficking humans was to exploit them since they can provide cheap or free labor and it is easy to deny them human rights.

As the issues regarding human rights in America became very sensitive and it was evident that they could tear the nation right in the middle, the American government finally illegalized slavery and other forms of human trafficking in the nation. However, there were no clear guidelines of what was to happen to the freed slaves and they in turn became slaves of law in America. This led to another form of trafficking humans the practice started being practiced illegally with the perpetrators of this crime using various techniques such as intimidation to silence their victims. Most of the victims in the new form of human trafficking were women and children who were mainly trafficked for sexual exploitation. They are usually lured by their abductors before being taken to unknown destinations where they are kept under the terms and conditions of the abductor. They are usually denied the right of accessing the outside world so that they cannot escape. If they are allowed to go to various places or the nature of their duty demands so, all their movements are closely monitored and it is therefore very difficult for them to escape.


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