Mail Questionnaire

Full bibliographic information on this paper is as follows
Mitchell, Colter. Comparing Divorce Survey  Records Data Men Misreport More Often. 14 August 2004. 18 February 2010 httpwww.allacademic.commetap110048_index.html.

This is an article concerning a research that was conducted on the current increased cases of divorce that are being experienced in most parts of the world. This topic happens to be the most researched topic in the world and despite this, there has been a lot of problems that all the time come up in measuring the data and analyzing it. Among the main problems that are usually experienced is the underreporting of the surveys that are conducted on divorce. This research paper has therefore the main purpose or the main reason of looking into some of the specific factors that usually leads to misreporting of divorce.

This study employed a research design known as the quasi-experimental design in order to compare information that was collected in a span of four years between 1989 and 1993. The total population that was targeted was 2,148 couples who at the time were living in Wisconsin counties. There was a random selection of some few couples from this population that was to be done. The survey mode that was to be employed was the mail questionnaire. There would also be the use of basic logistic regression models to test the relationship that exists. People did not have time for the mail questionnaires and therefore the response may be said to be poor.

The use of computer assisted telephone interviews and also the use of computer assisted personal interviews were introduces as follow up methods and with the aim of increasing the response rate on the mail questionnaires. However due to the poor response that was noted, it can be argued that the use of mail questionnaires may not be a very good method to detect the reason for unreported divorce rates as it may result to more errors as compared to other methods such as the computer assisted telephone interview and the computer assisted personal interview.


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