The two instances at the beginning of the paragraph show that people can become obsessed with victimizing others simply because they have a dislike for them. Through these articles it is also possible to see how people can be inhuman towards their fellow humans. They treat them like animals or trash and can do anything just to make themselves happy and satisfied. Repeat victimization can be clearly understood in these two first instances. Therefore, according to me, repeat victimization is doing something harmful or hurtful to someone on several occasions for some kind of revenge and just to satisfy oneself. It is also a series of events that always end up requiring police action.

To prevent a series of repeated offences, it sometimes requires resources to set up a scene whereby the criminals will be caught and these are called sting operations. To set up the operations it therefore needs resources and time. Sometimes it is also hard to predict the next place of target since the police may not have enough information to determine the next events. In the efforts of trying to prevent such crimes of repeat victimization, the power of the police has been doubled and this has also contributed to the doubling of crimes. When trying to deal with repeat victimization, victims tend to be elusive and therefore make it difficult to solve any problems. 


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