Strain theory by Agnew

The theory by Agnew focuses on negative relationship with others that results to depression, anger, fear or disappointment. The subject of the discussion question is relevant in the aspect of youths engaging in crimes as a result of strain. Youths are the most affected individuals because they have the capacity to explore the world in many areas. A young person who has undergone a lot of stress and strain can turn out to crimes as a means of seeking comfort. Crimes like stealing, drug trafficking, murder, rape and engaging in organised gang activity are linked with depression and strain (Agnew, 1994).

Lack of employment among the youths in developing nations has been a major reason that has depressed the youths. The youths therefore develop negative attitude towards other people and engage in crimes so as to earn a living. The societal structural level is another major concept that relates to strain among youths and criminology. The society is supposed to teach their young people good morals and create a strong relationship with other people. Once the society fails to develop such morals, the crime level among the youths has to rise (Agnew, 1994). Individuals have different means of satisfying their own needs and the important aspect of this element is to develop the right procedures that will help to reduce the rate of crime among the young generation.


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