Mr. Jones plans to do achieve his initiative by been very discreet about his illegal activities to avoid been caught by the authority. Additionally, his past encounter with juvenile friends who are still involved in criminal activities would be of great help since he would consider getting in touch with them to get an easy way out to obtain some funds. From the above criminal activities that Mr. Jones is, planning to be involved in, it is quite evident that he is going to break the law. However, it is ironical that he is going to be an offender because of resulting to criminal activities to solve his financial problems and yet he is supposed to be a law officer responsible for enforcing law and order in the society. On the other hand, it is because of his debt that needs to be urgently paid that is making him result to these criminal activities. Mr. Jones case clearly shows the way officers of law can be corrupt in order to enrich themselves (Newburn, 2007). This is apparent when Mr. Jones considers blackmailing companies, which are involved with illegal activities. On the other hand, law agencies such as the ones Mr. Jones works for should consider putting up the necessary procedures to curb any illegal activities that their officers may consider to supplement their earnings in the police departments. For instance, the records in the police departments should be carefully monitored to avoid any illegal happenings like the way Mr. Jones considered stealing tickets from the department as well as altering the financial documents in the police departments. The best alternative that Mr. Jones can come up to get rid of his debt is to try to look for any other legit way to raise the funds.
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