Issues of Deterrence

The issue of deterring crime will be based on a number of factors. In some instances, it may be possible for a parole office to effectively present deterrent messages to certain criminals based on the criminals desire to reform. In some instances, criminals may see the proverbial error of their ways and reform. Others simply may find the pain of prison to be a bit too much to bear so they will opt to cease their behavioral patterns. But, not all criminals are willing to modify their behavior in any substantial way. They simply may have personality disorders that prevent them from rationally reversing their attitudes towards being repeat offenders. So, with some offenders, focused deterrence can certainly deliver highly positive results. With other offenders, however, the ability to reverse their behavior may prove next to impossible. Again, it depends on the background and psychological makeup of the offender in question.

For a more effective crime prevention strategy, psychiatric treatment may be required to deal with the underlying personality disorders which cause the crime. If the underlying issues that are harming the criminals ability to see what heshe is doing wrong are treated, the potential to effective deter the criminal can be enhanced. Again, some criminals may be of such a perverse mental state that threats of punishment can prove ineffective. However, if proper psychological treatment is employed, a breakthrough may be possible. This, in turn, could impart a certain clarity of thinking that might lead the individual to seriously weighing the consequences of punishment when considering committing a crime.

While one cannot say with definitive clarity that psychiatric treatment will definitely reverse the criminals potential to commit an unlawful act, such treatment could lead to the person rethinking the process due to fear of punishment.


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